Boyd Hampers Acquires Fruit Basket Company, E Fruit Baskets

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E Fruit Baskets Address, 27 Radio Circle, Suite 202, Mt. Kisco, NY 10549

Boyd Hampers today announced the acquisition of E Fruit Baskets, a leading ecommerce store in the gourmet fruit basket market that combines traditional craftsmanship with modern e-commerce solutions to deliver exceptional fruit and gourmet gift options to consumers and corporate clients alike.

“This acquisition marks a significant milestone in Boyd Hampers’ journey towards enhancing our position in the gourmet gift market and propels our digital transformation strategy forward,” said Gareth Boyd, CEO of Boyd Hampers. “By merging E Fruit Baskets into our family, we not only embrace a team renowned for their creativity and customer-centric approach but also reinforce our commitment to providing unparalleled quality and variety to our customers. Our combined efforts will focus on expanding our product offerings and leveraging digital channels to enrich customer experience.”

Founded in 2009, by siblings Alex and Jamie Chen, E Fruit Baskets has quickly emerged as a customer favorite for its innovative approach to combining high-quality fruits with exquisite packaging, which enabled them to grow the business into the competitive sympathy hampers industry. The company has earned its reputation by utilizing cutting-edge e-commerce platforms and a dedicated focus on sustainability and community engagement.

“Selling E Fruit Baskets to Boyd Hampers represents an exciting new chapter for E Fruit Baskets,” expressed Alex Chen, COO of E Fruit Baskets. “Boyd Hampers’ legacy of quality and dedication to customer satisfaction mirrors our own values perfectly. With Boyd Hampers extensive network and operational excellence, we are poised to elevate our brand and offerings to new heights, further enriching the lives of our customers and the communities we serve.”

Terms of the deal were not disclosed and remain private.

About Boyd Hampers

Boyd Hampers, headquartered in Cloughmills, Northern Ireland, is a premier provider of luxury gift baskets and gourmet hampers for all occasions. Renowned for its meticulous selection of fine wines, artisan cheeses, and premium fruits, Boyd Hampers has established itself as a symbol of elegance and quality in the gift-giving market.

With a strong emphasis on customer service and satisfaction, Boyd Hampers continues to innovate and expand its offerings, catering to a diverse and growing clientele.

For more information, visit Boyd Hampers’ investor relations and news sections at, and follow @BoydHampers on social media.


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